Pattern Digitizing, Plotting + Cutting Patterns



The CalComp Roll Up digitizer is used for inputting paper patterns into Optitex or Illustrator for an accurate/proportional transfer of digital information to the computer/software.   The digitizer tablet is connected to the desktop computer in the Textile Innovation Lab, but can be moved to any computer with Optitex software installed, a USB connection, and enough space to roll out the digitizing tablet itself.   

Follow the instructions in the video on how to digitize a pattern using Optitex PDS digitization tools.  You can also use the document attached for further written instructions on how to digitize your patterns.  

CALCOMP III 3648 Roll-Up Pattern Digitizer 









Cursor Buttons: 



Start with 1. curves are 3. add notches and darts as you go around the pattern. 2. to close. B to add baseline at the end.  



1.D. First dart leg 

D. Dart Tip 

1.Second Dart leg 


B. Baseline  

F. Internal contours (F. To begin. 1. 1. 3. 1. etc.  F to exit) 








Piece Anatomy: 


Points: Grade Curve, Grade Non-Curve, Non-Grade Curve, and Non-Grade Non-Curve 



Seam Allowance:  


Appears as a dotted line and is turned on/off with the sewing machine button in the toolbar.  

*You should always be working from the sew line. Viewable inside or outside depending on the active sew line. 

*If the cut line is active, switch. Check the status bar to check this.  



New Piece 


Piece > Rt. Click in working area 

Rectangle measure tool 

Add to or subtract from is also good 


Basic Figures tool 

Rt click @the top 

Drag outside of the pieces to create a new shape or inside the piece to add internal shape 


Draft Tool:  


Draw internals on existing piece or create a new piece 

My favorite tools > Contour > OR Hotkey “D” 


*Click ALT to get dialog box 

*Hold shift for curve 


Choose behavior- 

Absolute= specific measurement  

Proportion= defines a percentage 


To exit Draft:  

Rt click and finish drafting OR double rt click 

F2 makes a straight line across 

Rt click to switch to select tool 




Select Piece 

Go to :  Seam > set basic seam 

Dialog box: Set SA width 

Inside shape: -0.5 (inside ½ inch) 

Outside shape 0.5 (outside ½ Inch) 

Check to make sure that piece properties > behavior > lock auto reseam is NOT checked 



The plotter/cutter is used for printing and cutting out digital sewing patterns. Patterns can be digitized using the CalComp pattern digitization table, using Optitex PDS, CLO or Adobe Illustrator software.  The printer driver is called PLOT, and is installed on the desktop computer in the WFL. The Velocity Inkjet / Cutting technology is available in one head and one cutting tool, it can print using a standard HP cartridge. For pattern making plotting and cutting / perforating up to 49 inches.

Files should be saved/exported as .PLT files or .DXF from the design software that you are using. 

The cost for plotting/cutting is $0.25/linear inch or $3 per linear foot, and can be paid via Bearcat Card. Please ask for assistance when you are ready to plot/cut.  A FTC team member will help you get your files queued up and printed.

CZ Model Control Center.pdf

Links to help with maintenance on the Velocity Plotter/Cutter: 

How to clean your cartridge.mp4

How to clean your print cartridge

How to take the cartridge out of your plotter 2018+.mp4

How to take the ink cartridge out

How to oil your Velocity Plotter.mp4

How to oil the plotter

How to put on the paper Vector.mp4

How to load the paper